at this point this forum is basically her Instagram feed...
If you have uploaded the set on other platforms, please remove it.Thank you for your messages. We appreciate your fast answer and your communications. We also acknowledge your attempts to take down the materials, however unfortunately they are already available on numerous sites since your initial distribution as they have spread a lot since then. We will be discussing with our counsels and will get back to you after the week-end to discuss how to close that matter, meanwhile all efforts you can undertake to limit the spread of the materials you have leaked will be appreciated. Regards. MW / For Irina Meier
Digimarc is a digital watermark. Say someone has a picture. One person downloads it. It carries code that has the IP and stuff of the person that downloaded it. It’s a way to find out exactly who downloaded and shared content, even after told not towhat threat does digimarc present? i am unfamiliar with it.