matchnowmatchnowmatchnowmatchnowmatchnowmatchnowmatchnow Refugees

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I second this. I liked the place, but I thought the whole point to locking most of the forum behind a reaction score wall was to keep threads from being seen from the outside, the whole point being to keep threads from getting deleted. Yet many threads still got nuked and deleted for apparently no reason even after that change. Also, the whole "no discussion" thing got annoying really fast. Many times people were giving advice on how to download or save things, or answering very relevant questions, yet the mods would insist on deleting them. I saw a guy ask the same question 4 times in one thread, he wanted to know how to download files from a particular host. I told him how to do it more easily, which is information that anyone could use. Both my post and his got deleted. And then he just asked the same question again.
I kinda dig that restriction to access the main forums. They kept a vast community under control and mostly spammer / white knight free. But I strongly agree with you on that "no discussion" rule. It was dumb, prevented collaboration and community building and ended up forcing some legit leakers to not contribute because some other guy already posted the content before.


Aug 9, 2020
I kinda dig that restriction to access the main forums. They kept a vast community under control and mostly spammer / white knight free. But I strongly agree with you on that "no discussion" rule. It was dumb, prevented collaboration and community building and ended up forcing some legit leakers to not contribute because some other guy already posted the content before.
My only problem with the access restriction is that it ultimately still didn't work. If it actually managed to keep threads from getting deleted I would have loved it, but more often than not threads for many different girls would just go down within days of being created. Then everyone kept making new threads with goofy names. Then you'd try to find the new thread, but because The Pit is filled with hundreds of reposts you were always more likely to stumble into Pit threads instead of actual content threads in the locked part of the forum.

I think, at the end of the day, the only way to really do this sort of thing is to keep it decentralized. You can't file a takedown notice on a P2P file share.


High Roller
Mar 27, 2020
which forum do you think will be the successor of TH?

I don't know much about the community and right now many other sites are gaining members, but one of all must standing out. I've visited another page but you have to make a post to see all the content and the content is poor. If someone can tell me which are the most relevant sites to be checking at this moment I'll be very grateful.

pd: sorry if my english isn't so good 😅
do you like it when poeple come to your living room and take a shit? :)


Morphing Into Primal
High Roller
Apr 2, 2020
I was lucky enough to get in the site before it became more bigger i'm talking probably 6 months before the pit even existed. and i was a high roller for a long time until the site was closed.

It was an amazing site but it has some flaws. First you can easily get out of the pit by posting like 5 pics and one video, and a lot of times it was content already shared on the forum but mods didn't even bother to check that out.

Second, a lot of the thread got takedown contantly even thought they were on the "exclusive" part of the forum (Patreon, OF, Etc) so the whole "making the pit to avoid DMCA" thing was kind of broken. i'm not kidding the last month of the site i was making a new thread for the same cosplayer almost weekly for the reason mentioned above

My only problem with the access restriction is that it ultimately still didn't work. If it actually managed to keep threads from getting deleted I would have loved it, but more often than not threads for many different girls would just go down within days of being created. Then everyone kept making new threads with goofy names. Then you'd try to find the new thread, but because The Pit is filled with hundreds of reposts you were always more likely to stumble into Pit threads instead of actual content threads in the locked part of the forum.

This guys probably explained better than me lol

Third, a lot of model, cosplayer, etc were verifed on the site and active for like a month just so people don't share their content cof cof eroticneko cof cof (Cause they delete all of the thread of verifed models). some people made thread on the high roller section but of course they didn't gain any attention since they weren't many people with that rank.

With all that said it was a fun place and with all the people that i chated there were really cool and friendly, and didn't have a problem on sharing anything of their collection
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Aug 14, 2020
I was lucky enough to get in the site before it became more bigger i'm talking probably 6 months before the pit even existed. and i was a high roller for a long time until the site was closed.

It was an amazing site but it has some flaws. First you can easily get out of the pit by posting like 5 pics and one video, and a lot of times it was content already shared on the forum but mods didn't even bother to check that out.

Second, a lot of the thread got takedown contantly even thought they were on the "exclusive" part of the forum (Patreon, OF, Etc) so the whole "making the pit to avoid DMCA" thing was kind of broken. i'm not kidding the last month of the site i was making a new thread for the same cosplayer almost weekly for the reason mentioned above

This guys probably explained better than me lol

Third, a lot of model, cosplayer, etc were verifed on the site and active for like a month just so people don't share their content cof cof eroticneko cof cof (Cause they delete all of the thread of verifed models). some people made thread on the high roller section but of course they didn't gain any attention since they weren't many people with that rank.

With all that said it was a fun place and with all the people that i chated there were really cool and friendly, and didn't have a problem on sharing anything of their collection
what was even in high rollers was it actually worth it or just donation bait


i like this forum but i dont like "vip" category, wtf


Morphing Into Primal
High Roller
Apr 2, 2020
what was even in high rollers was it actually worth it or just donation bait

It was pretty random. From threads with complete collections of cosplayers sets, to threads about certain character and what girl made a set about that one.
You didn't need to donate anything to get there it was just about the likes
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